Winning Smiles!


Here are the happy winners in the final club competition of 2010-2011. Congratulations to all! From left to right: Eva Harvey, Brian Clark, Dawn White, Stan Farrow (judge), Jennie French, Fergus Milne and Malcolm McBeath.

NOVICE: Eva won first and second places in the Novice Mono Print section and first place in the Colour Print section (look at all that silverware!). Fergus Milne was first placed in the Projected Image section. Eva attained a total of 299 points (out of a maximum of 360) over the year, and was awarded the Novice Championship Trophy, beating into second place Lorna Morrison who achieved 243 points.

GENERAL: Brian Clark achieved first place in the Colour Print section, as well as second place in the Projected Image section and 3rd and 4th in Mono Print section. Brian also won the Bill Chambers Trophy for his year’s points total of 411, beating Colin Stacey by a tight margin of 7 points.
Jennie French achieved first place in the Projected Image section.
Malcolm McBeath won the Mono Print section.

DPS President Stewart Dodd chose to award The President’s Plate to Dawn White for her outstanding contribution as a new member.

Thanks go to Stan Farrow for his hard work in judging the competition. No easy task!

Photograph by Doug Dewar

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