Monthly: October 2011

Worthy Winner


Congratulations go to Shahbaz Majeed whose fabulous image of the Tay Bridge at dusk won the Network Rail “Lines in the Landscape” special award at the Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards 2011. Renowned photographer and competition organiser, Charlie Waite, declared Shahbaz’ picture the best in the section and Shahbaz wins a weekend break and […]

An Evening With Annie and Alan – October 24


Solihull based photographer Alan Millward FRPS FPSA MPAGB HonPAGB lectures, judges and exhibits at home and abroad. He has served on the RPS distinctions panels for almost 20 years, and holds a double fellowship of the RPS and was awarded the RPS Fenton Medal for services to photography. He is past chair of London and […]

Location, Location, Location


Is there a particular part of where you live that inspires you to take lots of pictures? Whether you live in Dundee, Perth, Kirrie or wherever, is there a particular street, close, building or park, for example, which you find yourself drawn to on photographic missions? If so, other DPS members might be interested in […]

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