Jennie’s LRPS Award
I am a “slow learner”. Four years ago I decided to set myself the goal of first learning to use my digital camera beyond the basics, so I enrolled on the AP Magazine online course which was modular and very worthwhile. I then joined the RPS and after three Advisory Days in Scotland, two as an observer and one with work, I decided to submit for my LRPS – after all, not being recommended was the worst that could happen!
Joining DPS in 2010 and the excellent work I saw made me more nervous but with the encouragement of members I began to put together work that would make a “panel” rather than a collection of disparate images. After sorting my printing “woes” with the help of Brian Farey, my selection dithering with the help of Al Buntin, Sheila Taylor and Rikki O’Neill and my Photoshop problems with advice from Colin Stacey, I finally had a mono submission which was sent to Suffolk for assessment.
I felt that my work didn’t look anything like, or as good as, all the other panels I had seen on the RPS website but maybe everyone feels like that. On 19th Sept I was really delighted to receive an email saying I had been successful and a badge and a certificate followed in the post.
Thanks to everyone for their help and encouragement – and if anyone else is contemplating a submission, read everything you can on the RPS website, go to Advisory days, get advice at DPS – and good luck!
Jennie French