Portrait Class – Morgan, The Model
Those of us who have continued to attend John Alexander’s portraiture classes have had the privilege of photographing Morgan, a very attractive young lass to whom modelling comes very naturally.
Ever patient, she has put up with us bravely, as we’ve footered about with lights, reflectors and cameras and asked her to exercise her varied range of expressions and wear an odd assortment of headgear. Alison even brought along a lovely fur coat which Morgan fell in love with and wanted to take home with her. Although she looked great in it, she didn’t get to take it away…
Don’t be surprised if portraits of Morgan pop up in future club competitions. Alan Kinroy, Alan Fox, Alison Donald and (maybe) myself will be the guilty parties!
Thanks go to John for his great patience, advice and hospitality, and to his wife for continuing to feed us with the world’s best home-made biscuits and rock cakes. She’s a star!