Wreck by Shahbaz Majeed - Mono Print 1st

Going Jeep by Colin Stacey - Mono Print 2nd

Menage A Trois by Gerry Priest - Mono Print 3rd

Bill by Gerry Priest - Mono Print 4th

Kidnapped by Colin Stacey - Colour Print 1st

Bridge to Nowhere by Shahbaz Majeed - Colour Print 2nd

Windmill Trio by Brian Clark - Colour Print 3rd

Contemplation by Shahbaz Majeed - Colour Print 4th

Winter Sunset Elie by Brian Clark - Projected Image 1st

To The Surf by Malcolm McBeath - Projected Image 2nd

Biting The Dust by Malcolm McBeath - Projected Image 3rd

Evening Calm by Gerry Priest - Projected Image 4th