Derek Ramsay

I have been taking photographs since I was in my teens but only began to be serious about photography in the last twenty years. Since joining the Dundee Photographic Society, I have increased my understanding of many aspects of the process of photography. In addition I have made many new friends.
My main interest is in Aviation, travelling to various locations in the UK, Europe and America to capture rare and unusual types of aircraft that can be found.
I also do some wildlife, landscape and reportage style of photography. If I see something of interest I will endeavour to capture the moment.

  • Manx TT Legends

    Manx TT Legends

  • Markus


  • Ace Maker

    Ace Maker

  • Bridging the Gap

    Bridging the Gap

  • Flares Away

    Flares Away

  • Phantom Flypast

    Phantom Flypast

  • Warthog Touchdown

    Warthog Touchdown

  • All Loaded Up

    All Loaded Up

  • Twilight Departure

    Twilight Departure

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